Bentley Tobacco proudly partners with The Cigar Academy, an alliance that breathes life into the legacy of premium cigars—from storied past to evolving future. Through this collaboration, we offer a bridge to the artistry, heritage, and expertise behind every cigar, engaging aficionados in an inspiring journey of mastery. Complete the form below for a special Bentley Tobacco Enrollment Scholarship code to join The Cigar Academy, where an entertaining, immersive path awaits, guiding you toward certification as an expert in the world of fine cigars.
About The Cigar Academy
The Cigar Academy is a unique institution dedicated to celebrating and deepening the knowledge of cigar enthusiasts around the world. Through carefully designed, brand-neutral courses, it educates on the craftsmanship, history, and cultural impact of cigars. The Academy blends tradition with technology, offering an entertaining, interactive path to certification, ensuring that every student, from novice to connoisseur, gains a well-rounded understanding of premium cigars.